About Us:
4 plus decades of commitment to discovering and promoting cutting-edge African creative talent in all disciplines.
AfricaContemporary.Art focuses on the curation and exhibition of art and design, for the global art market, through the sourcing, incubation and promotion of emerging and established artists and designers, primarily from, or associated with, the African continent, and global South.
JustArt.International, (Just.Art) the non-profit arm, has rapidly developed a reputation for developing large-scale multi-disciplinary art projects focusing on human rights and social justice projects - with the expressed intention of leaving behind a legacy of sustainable community interventions.
Our work in art and social justice stretches as far back as the 1980s, where we practised as artivists (commentators, curators and creatives) against the Apartheid Regime. Today, we work with various organisations to create legacy projects in marginal communities - with our sister non-profit organisation, Impact4Good.
ACA and JUST.ART were founded by Kathryn L. Berman (Kathy), a veteran of the arts, innovation, and impact sectors.
ACA was launched as a commercial entity in April 2021 with ART OF EVERYDAY THINGS, an innovative design/art hybrid exhibition at the Jaffer Modern Galery in Cape Town. Our second commercial undertaking was the launch of SPIRAL OF CONTAINMENT at the NIROX/ACA booth at the INVESTEC CAPE TOWN ART FAIR in February 2022.
ACA is the culmination of over four decades of commitment to the cultural industries by our founder, Kathy Berman, whose focus on the intersection of creative expression and social justice dates back to the dark days of Apartheid, where art, journalism, television and festivals were the primary media of social access and dissent. Kathy has combined a life-time of art and social justice, cultural curation, research, lecturing, journalism and television with a consulting career in corporate finance and strategy, innovation, incubation, cultural activation and acceleration - corporate and community. Kathy , continues to write on art, design and culture. She serves on the board of BASA. And lectures and workshops in art, strategy, innovation, incubation and acceleration